Browsing: Company of First Production: Unknown

Displaying 1 - 41 of 41
Title Author(s) Performance Date Publication Datesort descending Company of First Production STC/Wing
Common Conditions 1576 1576

STC 5592a

The Tide Tarrieth No Man 1576 1576

STC 25018

Promos and Cassandra, 2 1578 1578

STC 25347

Promos and Cassandra, 1 1578 1578

STC 25347

All for Money 1577 1578

STC 16949

Soliman and Perseda (Zulziman) 1592 1592

STC 22894

Arden of Feversham 1591 1592

STC 733

Edward the First 1591 1593

STC 19535

Jack Straw 1591 1593

STC 23356

Orlando Furioso 1591 1594

STC 12265

The Cobbler's Prophecy 1590 1594

STC 25781

The Taming of a Shrew 1592 1594

STC 23667

Locrine 1594 1595

STC 21528

The Woman in the Moon 1593 1597

STC 17090

Mucedorus (and Amadine) 1590 1598

STC 18230

The Scottish History of James the Fourth 1590 1598

STC 12308

Alphonsus, King of Aragon 1587 1599

STC 12233

The Love of David and Fair Bathsheba 1594 1599

STC 19540

The Gentleman Usher (Vincentio and Margaret) 1602 1606

STC 4978

The Fair Maid of the Exchange 1602 1607

STC 13317

The Case Is Altered 1597 1609

STC 14757

A Christian Turned Turk (The Two Famous Pirates) 1610 1612

STC 6184

Caesar and Pompey (The Wars of Caesar and Pompey) 1605 1631

STC 4993

A New Wonder, A Woman Never Vexed 1611 1632

STC 21423

The Noble Spanish Soldier (The Noble Soldier, or A Contract Broken Justly Revenged) 1622 1634

STC 21416

The Valiant Scot 1626 1637

STC 24910

Tottenham Court 1634 1638

STC 18344

The Seven Champions of Christendom 1635 1638

STC 15014

Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt 1626 1639

STC 17717

Julia Agrippina, Empress of Rome 1628 1639

STC 17718a

The Bloody Banquet 1608 1639

STC 6181

A New Trick to Cheat the Devil 1625 1639

STC 6315

The Woman's Prize, or The Tamer Tamed 1611 1647

Wing B1581

The Nice Valor, or The Passionate Madman 1622 1647

Wing B1581

Wit at Several Weapons 1613 1647

Wing B1581

The Amorous War 1638 1648

Wing M1463

The Queen, or The Excellency of Her Sex 1641 1653

Wing Q155

Revenge for Honor (The Parricide) 1640 1654

Wing C1948

The Old Law, or A New Way to Please You 1632 1656

Wing M1048

The Obstinate Lady 1639 1657

Wing C4896

The Lovesick Court, or The Ambitious Politic 1639 1658

Wing B4872